Summer 2014

The Minutes of The Mellor Society Annual General Meeting on 27th March 2014 at Mellor Primary School.

Mr & Mrs Edleston, I Heaps, D Cole, Mr & Mrs Hearle, Mr & Mrs Watt.

Bob Humphrey-Taylor (Chair.) welcomed those present to the meeting and after covering Health and Safety issues explained the revised format of the evening. In order to boost attendance at this years AGM the committee had decided that rather than have a guest speaker we should incorporate a “Great Mellor Quiz”. The formal business of the Society is to be dealt with first and after some refreshments the remainder of the evening will to be devoted to the quiz. Bob reminded those present that only Society members could vote on any issues and copies of the accounts were available in the room from A Stevens (Hon Treasurer). Voting will be on a show of hands either for, against or recording objections.

2a. Minutes of Previous AGM
These had been published in Summer 2013 Newsletter 59, were proposed and seconded as correct by I Morgan and A Lee and accepted by those members present.

2b. Report of the Committee:
I Davies (Hon Secretary) delivered the following report.
The purpose of the Society is to protect and conserve the amenity of our village and it’s business is administered by an elected committee supported by a team of news letter deliverers and subscription collectors. The activities of the committee and items of local interest have been reported in our thrice yearly newsletter and website and if anyone wishes to submit items for publication please contact any committee member. Our Society is its membership who can contact their committee via their published addresses, our website or the AGM.
Also, if anyone has any comments or questions regarding the business of the Society and it’s committee please speak to us during the evening.
Committee member A Lee has now resigned and Ted Stockton has relinquished his role hosting our website. M Davies has taken on the website hosting and is currently refreshing our website. We express our thanks to the above for their support.

2c. Rate of Annual Subscription
It was stated that the subscriptions are to remain at £1 per adult. Our membership of 1185 includes most of the adult residents in the villages of Mellor and Mill Brow.

2d. Present Certified Accounts
A Stevens (Hon Treasurer) had distributed copies of the accounts at the meeting and was available to answer any questions related to such for recording in the minutes. Though these accounts were qualified T Lowe and P Forbes proposed and seconded that they be accepted and this was agreed by those members present.

2e. Elect Officers and Members of the Committee
Bob Humphrey-Taylor confirmed that the standing committee comprising himself (Chair.), Ian Davies (Hon Secretary), James Edleston (Membership Secretary), Adam Stevens (Hon Treasurer), Cynthia Garlick, Ian Heaps, Janet Jackson, Guy Marsh, Ilona Morgan, and Tim Lowe offered to continue in their current roles. There had been no offers of others wishing to serve on the committee.
P Forbes and A Davies proposed and seconded that the standing committee be accepted for a further term and this was agreed by those present.

2f. Transact Any Business Brought Forward by the Committee
No business had been brought forward by the committee.

2g. Transact Any Other Business Notified to the Hon Secretary
No other business had been notified to the Hon Secretary.

Bob Humphrey-Taylor then closed the formal section of the AGM inviting attendees to refreshments and introducing Tim Lowe who would conduct the Great Mellor Quiz.

The Great Mellor Quiz.
This inaugural event attracted over fifty people competing in ten teams testing their knowledge about Mellor and the surrounding area. Quiz Master Tim Lowe had devised some 50 questions including pictures of local celebrities past and present into an interesting and enjoyable addition to our AGM evening. The wining team of “Mellor Marchers” comprising William Wragg, Annette Finnie, Anne and Andrew McClelland were presented with a bottle of wine and other goodies. They were also presented with The Great Mellor Quiz Trophy to hold in their safe custody until next years quiz. The trophy is itself a piece of Mellor history crafted from a salvaged brick from Mellor (Oldknow’s) Mill suitably mounted and inscribed. Quiz team entry fees were collected on the night and donated to the Mellor March Fund in support of local cancer charities.

Mill Brow History
The “Friends of Mill Brow” are keen to collect as much information as possible relating to the history and past social landscape of Mill Brow. If anyone has any old photos or other documents it would be much appreciated if they could share them with the Mill Brow group. Until such time as a champion for this Mill Brow history initiative is up and running please forward any information to Ian Heaps at Pear Tree Farm Mill Brow.

Friends of Mellor Parish Centre
We’d like to remind all in Mellor that the Parish Centre, located in stunning surroundings at the top of Church Road ( turn left by the Devonshire Pub), is there not only for Church members, but for everyone in the community. It is used extensively on a regular basis by classes in yoga, exercise and karate, by Guides and Brownies, by art and textile groups, toddler group, twins club, and by the WI, as well as for a great variety of evening events, such as talks, demonstrations and concerts. It is available to hire for conferences, exhibitions and weddings. The building is modern, light and well equipped, and the beautiful surroundings and views are a wonderful bonus for any event. Have a look at the Parish Centre website for more information and photos, or phone the PC office on 0161 484 5079.
The upkeep of the Centre is of course expensive. The Friends of Mellor Parish Centre group exists to raise money for just this purpose. Every penny that we make from subscriptions and our events goes towards maintaining the Centre to its present high standard for the enjoyment of all who use it. During the past year or so we have put on talks on Garden Birds, and on Antiques; a song recital, a concert of chamber music, an opera evening; an Italian evening complete with home-cooked Italian food; the annual Christmas concert with local artists Tom and Jennifer Lowe and the Community Choir; the 4th Textile Journeys day; a wine-tasting; a quiz and hotpot evening, and several Bridge Drives. At many of our events delicious home-baked food is served by an army of volunteers. Among the events you can expect from the Autumn onwards are a Brass Band Concert in the Fields, a presentation by Bob Humphrey-Taylor as Samuel Oldknow, ‘Figgy Pudding’…a Christmas evening of music and readings, Bridge Drives ,an evening of poetry and cartoons by Ian McMillan and Tony Husband, and the Great Mellor Bake-Off. All details later. We hope to see you at one or more of these events.

The subscription is at present, as it has been for the past 11 years, just £5. From January 2015 we are making a much-needed increase to £10 for the year, a small enough amount to contribute to the upkeep of an invaluable community facility. You can also join us by contacting Chris Walters on 0161 430 6714 or at, or picking up a form online or from the Parish Centre itself. Friends receive priority booking for all our events, a regular newsletter and perhaps most important, the satisfaction of giving essential support to our wonderful community venue.

“60 Second Security”
It is distressing to advise you that several of our members/residents have during the past few months become the victims of burglaries. Police support officers have visited neighbours offering advice on how to minimise the risk of opportunist crime.
Additionally we have been made aware of Greater Manchester Police dedicated web page “60 second security”. GMP have produced a series of short videos giving simple security advice on how to make your property that little bit safer. Topics covered include holidays, social media, vehicle crime, bike security, safes, mobile phones, courier fraud, bogus callers, door chimes, personal attack alarms, light timers, window shock alarms, property marking, and purse bells. The web page address is
If you don’t have access to a computer but would like further information on any of the above please contact any committee member. Alternatively, if you have any comments, queries or suggestions for new videos please contact PC Chris Hayden on 0161 865 5814 or email
Our local neighbourhood police team details can be found on
To report suspicious behaviour or non-urgent crime call 101, always dial 999 in an emergency. Alternatively, information can be reported anonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Hedges and Footpaths
Despite increasing cuts in services SMBC has responded during the past 12 months to our requests for actions regarding maintaining our green spaces, roads and drainage etc. However, some resident’s hedges and trees are obstructing footpaths. If this situation relates to your property we have been asked to request that you trim your hedges and improve access for road users.

Mellor Community Choir

Mellor Community Choir is planning an exciting venture for which it is seeking to expand its membership. The choir is for ladies only and although the ability to read music is desirable it is not essential.

Are you a competent soprano or alto ? If so, you may be interested in our trip to London to sing in the Royal Albert Hall. The event is the Festival of Brass and Voices on 14th November 2015.
This massed choral event takes place every three years to raise money for Cancer Research UK. Rehearsals will be in short bursts starting in September but commitment to the project is needed asap.

or ring Mary Hoult on 0161 427 7255

So Many Firsts For Mellor Mill
The experience of working down at Mellor Mill continues to amaze me. We have now worked out that not only was the mill the first of the large scale cotton spinning mills, not only had the largest high breast shot water wheel, not only had the first horizontal steam engines but also an anti-ballooning ring for the ring spinning machine was invented by the mill manager and his spinning master, Edwin Furniss and Mr Young. There may be more to follow as the mill gives up some of its secrets.
Edwin Furniss, after the disastrous fire at the mill in November 1892, found himself out of work but came up with the ‘Romantic’ notion of turning the southernmost mill pond into a leisure destination. Re-naming the lake Roman Lakes and the packhorse bridge beyond to Roman Bridge he created a Victorian Leisure Park. The railway had now arrived in Marple and the good folk from Stockport and Manchester came to the Roman Lakes in their hundreds to enjoy the country air, take picnics, row on the Lake (mill pond), play the penny arcade (examples of which are still on display at the tea rooms), listen to brass bands and promenade. The visitors would also trip the light fantastic at the regular tea dances which have recently been re-introduced on the last Saturday of each month.
Now, with the help of an HLF grant, we are further enhancing this ‘little gem on our doorstep’ by revealing the remains of Mellor Mill and presenting it for public enjoyment and education as a small country park with an industrial heritage theme.
Did you know that Mellor in 1790 had three times the population of Marple? With the building of Mellor Mill Marple grew to support the large workforce and other local industries as they developed.

Bob Humphrey-Taylor
Mill Site Director