Mellor Country House provides self catering respite breaks for around 800 visitors each year, half of them children, from the most deprived and underprivileged areas of the inner cities of Greater manchester, Salford and Stockport.

In the past the charity has survived by just doing the very best that we can to gain support and it has become increasingly more difficult over the past years due to the turn in the economic climate. We are still learning about fundraising and we have been very fortunate to have achieved as much as we have.

Each year we have to raise nearly £40,000 just to keep the home open for our visitors and each year we somehow manage to do this just by a whisker. This is partly due to very generous donations both from the public and local business’ coming forward donating raffle prizes whenever there is a need. The other way we raise the much needed funds is by organising several great events which are fun for everyone and which are very well supported by the local community.

Our main fundraiser event each year is our Plant Sale where we take orders and sell a large variety of bedding plants, plants and shrubs, great hanging baskets of different sizes. We are renowned for the fabulous quality of our plants and our prices are extremely competitive for the area. Refreshments include tea, coffee, hot chocolate, juices and a bacon butty or an irresistible treat of one of our famous “cream teas” again at reasonable prices.

This event is on Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th May 2015, 10am until 4pm and has become very popular, growing each year into a flurry of activity for us. Order forms can be picked up from the home or sent from email, and need to be returned by 9th May 2015 in time for us to place them with our grower.

We look forward to this event as we meet supporters, new and old which is very engaging and helps us to reach out into the community to find people who are in great need of a respite break which is of course our whole purpose. We appreciate very much all the help of our supporters and volunteers, as without them we could not manage to achieve the remarkable work that we do, giving a helping hand to nearly 800 visitors each year.

If you would like to help and volunteer for the charity please do not hesitate to get in touch, telephone number 0161 427 1893 as no matter how much or how little time you can spare, your efforts will make a huge difference to us and our visitors.